Monday, October 27, 2014

Bucking Bad Behavior

I'm screaming, military style, "get back in bed, its the fifth time you have been out of bed, I'm sitting on the dam couch there is nothing to be scared of.  I'll give you something to be scared of if you don't stay in bed, me."  As Fathers, we want to be respected and in a little way we want to be feared.  Its the classic alpha male, this is our house and you will do what I say.  But respect is hard to come by, kids will be kids, and it often leads us down the path to spanking and yelling (Adrian Peterson was clearly trying to establish his dominance).  I got tired of the yelling, the threats of spankings, my kids weren't deterred. I had to change it up.  We as parents have to change it up, every kids responds differently.  We have to figure out what motivates our children, and for my children if I wanted to see better behavior, to see chores getting done, to see kids in bed.  I had to shell out the big bucks, the behavior bucks.

Behavior Bucks, simple and effective.  When your child performs a task or an action that you like, award them with a behavior buck. After so many behavior bucks they can get a toy from a prize bin.  Make this process easy in the beginning, they need to get behavior bucks often enough to be able to purchase a reward quickly.  Once they save up enough to get a toy, they will be hooked. 

Can you guess the other benefits?  My kids have different items in the prize bin?  They price ranges from $10, $15 to $25.  They have to learn to save, they have to learn to spend bucks on things the really want, a bad purchase leads to wasted effort.  But wait there's more. My kids love counting the bucks.  They will lay out all the bucks and figure out how much more they need to earn a prize.  They don't even realize they are doing a math lesson :). 

I haven't even touched on the real power yet.  The power of subtraction.  When my children are getting out of hand, they lose a hard-earned behavior buck.  They become one dollar farther way from that great prize they have had theirs eyes set on, and they are learning all about subtraction.  For my daughter the loss of a behavior buck is a huge deal, it will often change her bad behavior immediately.

But my son is different, remember I talked about motivation.  Bed time was the worst time in the day for me, My kids would get up time after time "I need water, food, brush my teeth, I'm scared etc... My son he loves tv shows, so we had to modify the behavior buck system for him.  My kids get two tickets when they go to bed.  Every time they get out of bed they lose a ticket.  They need one ticket to watch a show in the morning, no tickets, no show.  My son gladly gets out of bed one time every night.  Ticket in hand, and then quiet.  Until he found a couple sneaky tricks.  #1 he would go into his room after paying ticket one but would not go into bed, therefore could not lose ticket since he never went back to bed.  #2  he screams from his bed because he knows he can't get out.  Or my daughter who just drags out getting into bed.  So we get creative, my daughter will lose a ticket if she doesn't get into bed in a timely fashion, my son if he continues to scream for things from his room.  Have trouble getting your kids ready in the morning, well my kids need one ticket and they need to be dressed and ready for the day plus morning chores have to be done. 

Sometimes its not about being the big rough and tough parent, who will demand respect through loud noises and yelling.  Sometimes its about getting creative, figuring out what motivates your child.  Insanity is doing the same things over and over, if its not working hit the internet and look for different techniques.   

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